Black Magic on Black Friday!

Nat RussoBooks, Giveaway, Holiday, Promotions 6 Comments

Hi friends! I really need your help this coming weekend. I promise it’ll be easy. All you have to do is mention me to someone. But first, I hope everyone in the USA is enjoying their Thanksgiving holiday! For those of you who reside elsewhere, you may have heard of this crazy American thing called “Black Friday.” It usually involves braving violent crowds and idiots who can’t park. [Who am I kidding…that’s a normal Sunday at Walmart!] This is where you come in. I need your help to spread the word about Necromancer Awakening and Necromancer Falling. The first will be more than 75% off on Friday, the latter is somewhere around 40%, and I’ll be listing The Road To Dar …

Review: Quirky Claus by Sebastian White

Nat RussoHoliday, Reviews 2 Comments

I’m not going to lie. My first reaction whenever a writer asks me to read and review his/her book is usually “I don’t wanna do this…I don’t wanna do this…I don’t wanna do this!” And I really need to get my attitude in check, because I’ve been blessed, lately, with a slew of awesome independently-published books. Quirky Claus is one such book. It’s not often that I’m delighted while reading a book I’m reviewing, but delighted is exactly how Quirky Claus left me feeling.  

Merry Christmas

Nat RussoHoliday Leave a Comment

I’d like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas! I probably won’t be able to blog until closer to New Year’s. I’ll be spending the holidays with my extended family in Texas. It’s our first Christmas without my mother-in-law, Arnette. She passed away this summer, far too soon, and we all miss her dearly. If any of you are the praying kind, please keep my family in your prayers this holiday season. God Bless!Nat