Cuisine a la Card

Nat RussoOpinion, Reviews 2 Comments

I’d like to take an unusual detour this week to discuss a unique new card game that I discovered several weeks ago. The game is called Cuisine a la Card and is being developed by InMotion Software by way of a Kickstarter campaign. But don’t let the word “Software” fool you! Cuisine a la Card is a competitive and unique deck building card game that you play on a tabletop.  If you’ve ever watched and enjoyed a cooking competition show (Iron Chef, Hell’s Kitchen, MasterChef, Chopped, etc), then you owe it to yourself to take a serious look at this game. I’m going to dig a little deeper into the gameplay, show you some of the cards, and talk about …

Review: Quirky Claus by Sebastian White

Nat RussoHoliday, Reviews 2 Comments

I’m not going to lie. My first reaction whenever a writer asks me to read and review his/her book is usually “I don’t wanna do this…I don’t wanna do this…I don’t wanna do this!” And I really need to get my attitude in check, because I’ve been blessed, lately, with a slew of awesome independently-published books. Quirky Claus is one such book. It’s not often that I’m delighted while reading a book I’m reviewing, but delighted is exactly how Quirky Claus left me feeling.  

Necromancer Awakening Breaks Into Top 25 Bestseller List

Nat RussoNecromancer, Publishing, Reviews 2 Comments

I woke up this morning with a text message from a friend waiting on my phone: “#25!” I can hardly believe it myself. One week after publication, Necromancer Awakening broke into the Amazon Top 25 Dark Fantasy Bestsellers list.     Moreover, out of a half-million books on Amazon overall, Necromancer is currently ranked #5601!    I can scarcely wrap my mind around it! I’m simply without the words to sufficiently express my gratitude to you all. Thank you so much for following my journey, from my first fledgling steps several years ago, to today…an Amazon bestseller. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! I promise you this: I’ll do everything in my power to make sure book 2 (Necromancer Falling) …

Review: Story Forge Cards

Nat RussoReviews 11 Comments

A few months ago an old high school friend sent me a link to a Kickstarter project that he thought I’d find interesting. It was for a project called “Story Forge Cards”, and it claimed to assist writers with everything from plot issues, to character creation, to resolving moral dilemmas, and all that with nothing more than a beautiful deck of cards and chance. I spent some time reading through the details, and I was intrigued. But the timing was all wrong. I was elbow deep in starting my publishing company, hiring cover designers, and trying to get my first book out the door and published. I wasn’t in pure “creative” mode, so to speak. A few weeks ago, as I …