Amazon Alleges Violations by KDP Authors, Publishers

Nat RussoPublishing Leave a Comment

Amazon is taking additional steps to fight abuse of the KDP system, including injunctive relief and triple damages. Is it too little too late, or just the beginning? Click the source link for the complete article on Publisher’s Weekly.

Amazon Storefront

Amazon has filed arbitration complaints against five individuals who it claims offered services to KDP authors and publishers intended to help them manipulate the reading platform for financial gain.

Source: Amazon Alleges Violations by KDP Authors, Publishers

Scrivener Auto Completion

Nat RussoHow-To, Scrivener 2 Comments

Updated on June 19, 2021 to include instructions relevant to Scrivener 3 for Windows.

Have you ever wished you didn’t have to type the same word or phrase over and over again in your manuscript? Maybe you have a tricky-to-spell character name, or you use a lot of technical terms?

What if I told you that Scrivener can automatically type those words/phrases for you with the stroke of a key?

Scrivener Auto Complete

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Get The Mukhtaar Chronicles on Kindle Countdown Now

Nat RussoBooks, Promotions Leave a Comment

The Kindle Countdown promotion on Necromancer Awakening and Necromancer Falling is still in the early stages, so get over to Amazon and grab copies of each before their prices return to normal!

They’re currently $1.99 and will be gradually climbing back up to $3.99 over the next several days. Click the images or titles and they’ll take you to the appropriate Amazon page.




Necromancer Awakening Cover Art

Necromancer Awakening

Necromancer Falling

The Mukhtaar Estate

The Mukhtaar Estate is Now Open

Nat RussoBooks, Editing, Facebook, Fantasy, Humor, Necromancer, Opinion, Publishing, Writers, Writing Leave a Comment

I’ve been receiving a lot of questions lately about writing, The Mukhtaar Chronicles, music, dogs, books…you name it. And they’ve been coming at me from about 10 different directions all at once. Well, I’ve finally decided to embrace the fact that I live on Facebook most of the time. Yes, I still respond on Twitter, and I always participate in discussions that take place in the comments section here at the blog. But I’m on Facebook ALL – OF – THE – TIME. It’s a sickness. You should feel sorry for me, really, now that I think about it.

Anyway, I’m proud to announce the grand opening of The Mukhtaar Estate, a Facebook discussion group geared towards…well, it’s geared towards discussing anything you’d like to discuss! And the best part is that it’s as close to “real time” as it gets.

The Mukhtaar Estate

So, what are you waiting for? Come join us at The Mukhtaar Estate!


Necromancer Ascending Update

Nat RussoNecromancer, News, Process 4 Comments

“So, Nat, how about a Necromancer Ascending update?”

That’s the current most-frequently-asked question, not only on social media and here at Erindor Press, but even from my colleagues at my day job! However, in order to actually give you that Necromancer Ascending update, I have to talk a little about process first.

Necromancer Ascending Update

Random image off the interwebz. Not the actual cover art.

I’ve written several articles about my writing process over the last few years, and I’ve been interviewed a dozen times or so by people who are all interested in the same thing: What does the process of writing a novel look like?

My answer? Controlled chaos.

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Villains Are Made, Not Born – by J.M. Robison

Nat RussoCharacterization, Guest Posts 1 Comment

Today at Erindor Press, I’m happy to bring you a guest post by J.M. Robison. It’s a great take on how to bring more depth to your villain’s personality and how to avoid some of the pitfalls well-known authors have fallen into. 


– Nat

Walter White from Breaking Bad

The inspiration for this blog post comes from The Wizard’s First Rule by Terry Goodkind. It came about at the part where character X is kidnapped by Mistress A. Mistress A declares she will “train” X by inflicting massive pain upon him. Like any logical person, X asks her,“And what is the purpose of my training, Mistress A?”

To which she replies: “To teach you the meaning of pain. To teach you that your life is no longer yours, that it is mine, and I can do anything I want with it. Anything. I can hurt you in any way I want, for as long as I want, and no one is going to help you but me. I’m going to teach you that every moment you have without pain is a moment only I can grant you. You are going to learn to do as I say without question, without hesitation, no matter what it is. You are going to learn to beg for anything you get.” To which she also says, “I enjoy it when a man makes it hard.”

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Black Magic on Black Friday!

Nat RussoBooks, Giveaway, Holiday, Promotions 6 Comments

Hi friends!

I really need your help this coming weekend. I promise it’ll be easy. All you have to do is mention me to someone.

But first, I hope everyone in the USA is enjoying their Thanksgiving holiday! For those of you who reside elsewhere, you may have heard of this crazy American thing called “Black Friday.” It usually involves braving violent crowds and idiots who can’t park.

[Who am I kidding…that’s a normal Sunday at Walmart!]

This is where you come in. I need your help to spread the word about Necromancer Awakening and Necromancer Falling. The first will be more than 75% off on Friday, the latter is somewhere around 40%, and I’ll be listing The Road To Dar Rodon as completely free.

I’d like to make a personal appeal to you. Most of you who frequent this blog have already read my work. If you found any of these books entertaining, please take a moment to tell someone about them, and let them know that this coming weekend (starting Friday) will be a great time to pick them up. Prices will be returning to normal on Monday the 28th. (I think Necromancer Falling returns to normal on Saturday because of some strange KDP enrollment date issue…stupid Amazon.)

But most importantly, THANK YOU for sticking with me as long as you have and for making all of this possible.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Map of the Three Kingdoms

Nat RussoArt, Maps, Necromancer, World Creation Leave a Comment

I was reminded this morning by a post on Twitter that I’ve yet to make a map of the Three Kingdoms widely available. The reason is I will be having an artist professionally render my hand-drawn scribblings in the near future, perhaps before (or around the time of) the publication of book 3, Necromancer Ascending.

But why wait? So, here’s a rendering that I made a long time ago in Campaign Cartographer 3 (absolutely INCREDIBLE software!). My apologies to Campaign Cartographer 3. I’m like a toddler using Photoshop to draw stick figures.

Oh, and you should be able to click on the image to enlargificate it. That’s not a word…but it should be. 😀

The Three Kingdoms

Books set in the Erindor universe:

Necromancer Awakening

The Road to Dar Rodon

Necromancer Falling



Erindor Press is Now SSL Certified!

Nat RussoNews 2 Comments

That’s right! Erindor Press now has its very own SSL site certificate! You should see a green lock icon in your address bar (in Chrome. I’m not sure how other browsers represent SSL connectivity).

SSL Certificate Activated

What does this mean for you? Without getting into the technical details, it means browsing around on just got a LOT more private. So, click away! Enjoy the content!